3 Reasons I Volunteer with Shelter Animals
A couple of times a week, I visit some furry friends at the Sadie Mae Foundation in Bolton, CT. Along with other volunteers, I feed them, clean them, and give them plenty of attention. Below I break down my top three reasons for doing so and why you should do it too.
1. Because It’s a Blast
I have volunteered for a handful of causes and events in my adult life but nothing has given me more joy than volunteering at an animal shelter. While at the end of most days I think I just want to go home and unwind, petting a sweet dog after a long day is extremely relaxing. I will never forget my first day and how it felt to have a swarm of puppies ease my stress away. I get to play with dogs that are happy to see me no matter what my day looked like. I have fun!
2. To Fill a Void
I love dogs. I am crazy about them. I am the crazy dog lady. I have two extra-large pups at home and if it was up to me, I’d have many, many more. Fortunately, I have a husband that keeps my head on straight!
Visiting a shelter full of dogs who need love just as much as my dogs at home keeps me sane. I get to have 15 dogs while also not having 15 dogs! I can care for these pups, develop a love for them, and then say good-bye when they find their perfect forever home.

3.For all the Mushy Reasons
Almost 7 million animals enter shelters every year. Almost 2 million are euthanized every year. While these numbers are slowly improving (according to ASPCA), they can only continue improving with the continued work of animal professionals and volunteers. We can help by choosing to adopt a pet instead of purchasing from a breeder. We can help by sharing every cry for help on social media. We can help by donating supplies and funds. I choose to be a volunteer.
Many of these dogs come to the shelter after a devastating animal control call. Some were abandoned. Some were in hoarding situations. Some were strays. Regardless of their stories, they do not deserve to be homeless and they absolutely deserve loving homes with humans they can trust.
These animals are innocent and they rely on us. Walking into the shelter and seeing their wagging tails and hearing cheerful cries melts my heart. I only want every mistreated animal to find happiness and live good, quality lives. Volunteering helps me to see to that. Even a small step such as this means everything to the wet nose behind the cage.

Want To Help?
If you’d like to help, considering volunteering at a local animal shelter, donating monetarily, or donating supplies.
To donate to The Sadie Mae Foundation, visit http://www.sadiemaefoundation.org/node/8 .
Donating to local shelters ensures that animals in need will be housed, fed, and receive medical attention.