Mini-Blog: How Independent Insurance Agencies Work
Are all insurance agents the same? Nope.
It’s pretty common, after speaking with or meeting a future customer for the first time, that they do not realize how an independent agent works. After all, the only advertisements we see are for big-name companies with their funny reptiles and witty mascots. It’s easy to believe we all operate like the other. Offering “Great Rates” and claiming to be “#1 in Connecticut”.
There are two types of agents: those who only work with (for) one company and those that do not. The majority of the companies advertised on radio and television are companies whose agents can only provide you one option: themselves. If they can only offer you them, how can you be sure that they are genuine?
Independent agents are different, they work with numerous insurance companies every day. This allows them to tailor the options to fit your needs. Independent agents have more loyalty to their
customers and when circumstances in your life change (as they are certain to do), guess what? They will still have options for you.

When you call an independent agency, your agent will review your needs with each company they have available. Your agent will then present you the best coverage option(s). They will answer your questions about the company and they will provide you an honest opinion of that company.
The majority of the companies that independent agents work with are only available exclusively through your agent. There is a whole other world of companies available to you through an independent agency!
The best part is, no matter which company you choose, your independent agency will always be your contact. Your agent will always be your agent. Insurance companies may come and go but independent agents are forever. That has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?